Friday, April 15, 2011

Save Our Language!!

As I'm a wee wobbly from some medical tests this afternoon, I thought I would do something simple. We all know how that works out. I wanted to create the link, in the body of this post, in the Highland Green that lets you know it's from me. Um, er, I think I need a programmer in the 5th Grade to do that for me, at the moment.

So, for now, just click on the title of this post: "Save Our Language!!" Enjoy the information, pictures, links, and activities that the site provides. More importantly, check it often and...

Pass the Site Along!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go hunt up a 5th Grader ;-).

Saturday, April 9, 2011

What this Place will Most Likely Become

As I began to recount my world, today, I noticed an early evolution. It seems my posts might always be long. They'll be some type of self-contained pieces that do not require sequential reading of other posts. After some initial housekeeping posts that must come first, of course. I think I'll like that, personally. Also, you'll be able to pop in and read at any point. No reading pages and pages just to follow along on a given day. You'll soon understand the specific reason why I'll like this probable format. But, of course, you are more important than I am. After all, I'm writing this for you. I already know all about the past and present parts. The future parts we'll just experience together. Good and bad; bravos and brickbats. And, no, I won't be going on another emoticon snipe hunt any time soon. Don't even ask  :-)

erieco Basics: Like my use of &Deity; explained in the description of this blog, I'll slip in how to read erieco-ese from time to time. Today's lesson: I always use "tupo" to mean "typo". If you know you're going to have them sneak into your writings from time to time, why should they be immune to missppellings?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Welcome Mr Waite!

I am honored to have a member of our fine military as my first member. Thank You for your service and a warm welcome to my corner of Our world. You're very nice to PDA with, also!